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Newest entry: patch to Jongl V14.8 for Windows

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Supported platforms

Jongl runs on all of these operating systems:

AmigaOS   IRIX   Linux   LinuxPPC   Solaris   Windows

platform independent stuff


Ported by Martin Hoffmann & Werner Riebesel

Requirements: PC hardware (Intel, AMD, Cyrix,...)
libc6, Mesa 3.0 and above. Supports (or needs) hardware accelerated graphics e.g. with XFree86 4.0.
Type ldd jongl for a detailled list of needed libraries.

jongl-14.0-linux.tgz6.722.612 bytesJongl V14.0 for Linux, complete package including textures and one panorama. Dynamically linked. Tested successfully on SuSE 9.0 and debian sarge. See Ludwigs homepage for all of the panoramas.
jongl-9.0.1-linux-exec.tgz834.926 bytesJongl V9.0.1 for Linux, executable, (must have)
statically linked to libtcl, libtk, libpng and libz
jongl-9.0-mandrake.bin 295924 bytesJongl V9.0.1 excutable compiled for Mandrake 9.2 (in case the other binary does not run on your Linux system; compiled by Jon Solberg. You will still need the *-linux-exec file! This has been helpful on some other types of Linux, too.)
jongl-9.0-data.tgz451.954 bytesJongl V9.0 data (must have).
jongl-9.0-textures.tgz702.670 bytesJongl V9.0 textures (optional).
jongl-8.0.1-linux.tgz486.929 bytesJongl V8.0.1 for Linux using libc6
jongl-7.0-linux-libc5.tgz257.093 bytesJongl V7.0 for Linux using libc5, kernel 2.0.32, Mesa 2.2


Ported by Derek Bosch

Requirements: A PowerPC computer and LinuxPPC running on it. Details here. Currently this is the only way to run Jongl on a Mac (without using an emulator).

Jongl8.0_linuxPPC.tgz479 K Jongl V8.0 for LinuxPPC (from
Jongl8.0_linuxPPC.tgz479 K same from mirror


Ported by Pelle Nordqvist and Derek Bosch

Requirements: IRIX 6.3 and 6.5. Tested on O2, Octane and Onyx.
If you have any problems with or questions belonging to the IRIX version, please ask Pelle.

JonglV9.0_IRIX.tar.gz2694 KJongl V9.0 for IRIX: O32 version tested on O2/IRIX6.3, but hopefully it will work on older versions as well as with 6.5. (Complete package including textures; from
JonglV9.0_IRIX.tgz2664 Ksame from mirror
JonglV8.0_irix65.tgz695 KJongl V8.0 for IRIX 6.5
JonglV8.0_irix65.tgz695 Ksame from mirror
Jongl7.0.tgz604 KJongl V7.0 for IRIX 6.3 and IRIX 6.5
Jongl7.0.tgz604 Ksame from mirror


Ported by David Byers

Requirements: SunOS 5 on a SPARC architecture

David writes: I've tested it on Solaris 7 (SunOS 5.7) using both the standard OpenGL libraries and Mesa 2.2 (there are two executables in the tar file.) I don't have access to older Solaris versions, and I don't have access to Sun machines without a 3D card, so I don't know if it will work on such machines.

If you have any problems with or questions belonging to the SunOS version, please ask David.

jongl-8.0-sparc-solaris-5.7.tar.gz 882 KJongl V8.0 for SPARC Solaris 5.7
jongl-8.0-sparc-solaris-5.7.tgz 882 Ksame from mirror
jongl-7.0-sunos5.tar.gz 832 KJongl V7.0 for SunOS 5
jongl-7.0-sunos5.tgz 832 Ksame from mirror

Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Jongl for Windows. No installation is needed; just extract the files in any writeable directory and double click on jongl.exe.
To uncompress the archives, you will need a program which is able to handle zipped archives, like PowerArchiver or WinZip.

Ported by Martin Hoffmann, Thomas Ruhroth and Werner Riebesel. Some hints from Ludwig Klam.

Requirements: Windows 95/98/ME/NT 4.0/2000/XP/Vista®

JonglV14.8-windows-patch.zip406.246 bytes Patch to update Jongl V14.0 to V14.8 for Windows. Contains 2 new features, though not completely implemented.
a) Boston Mess operator: works on siteswap patterns (see article in Kaskade issue 91, 03/2008 ).
b) bouncing balls with correct spin (Switch this on at tab "Develop": "internal integer"=2. Select red-white balls!)
(Thanks to Ludwig Klam for these two add-ons. My connection to Jongls main code is not as good as it should be. Might be improved somewhen in the future..)
Unzip contents of archive and copy them into JonglV14.0 directory. Accept all files to be overwritten.

8.156.230 bytes Jongl V14 for Windows. Including textures, T-Shirts and some of the panoramas.
See Ludwigs homepage for all of the panoramas.
JonglV13.0-windows.zip5.921.714 bytes Jongl V13 for Windows. Complete package with textures; e.g. all the T-Shirts of the European Juggling Conventions from 1989 to 2004.
jonglV12pre-windows.zip3.484.960 bytes Jongl V12 alpha for Windows® XP. Almost complete package.
Perhaps you might also need msvctrd.dll.
jongl-8.0.1-windows.zip769663 bytes Jongl V8.0.1 for Windows® 95/98/ME/NT4.0/2000/XP.
Click here to see which dlls JonglV8.x needs.
jonglsaver67.zip189123 bytesJongl Screensaver V6.7 for Windows® 416799 bytesOpenGL®-dlls: OPENGL32.DLL, GLU32.DLL, GLUT32.DLL 66103 bytesMSNET32.DLL, MSSHRUI.DLL, SVRAPI.DLL


Coded by Werner Riebesel & Martin Hoffmann

Requirements: A 68030 CPU with a 68881 FPU or 68040 or 68060 CPU.

jongl-7.0-amiga.lha345653 bytes Jongl V7.0 for the Amiga
jongl-4.6-amiga.lha418054 bytes Jongl V4.6 for the Amiga (currently the only one with working multiplex; from Jan-97)
jongl-4.6-amiga.readme28102 bytes Aminet-style readme for Jongl V4.6

Sorry, no support any longer. I think no one is sorry about that...

Portations to be done

You use a platform or operating system which is not mentioned here? Then why donīt you port Jongl to your OS? Have a look at our TODO site. Some AIX, BSD/OS, HPUX and MacOS users have been to this site...

Platform independent stuff

Ludwigs homepage 73 MB or 16 MBAll of the panoramas in high and low resolution. (Need at least Jongl V14.0 to run.)
j2_patch3.zip29510 bytes Sources of Jack Boyces program j2. It computes all possible patterns with given number of objects, hands and maximum height of throw. Passing is possible, too. Since V9.0 it is included in the jongl-GUI. Patch 3: Some changes for integration into Jongl.
jongl-9.0-AC3Dobjects.tgz123151 bytes All of the jugglers and objects, made with my favourite 3D editor AC3D.
gifmerge_tar.gz 5566 bytes Source of gifmerge which makes animgifs from a series of single pics. 62576 bytes Source of mpeg2 encoder. Produces a mpeg2 video from a series of single pics.
newlines124 bytes Shell script to change DOS-newlines to Unix-newlines 10202 bytes Data required for rendering povray movies. 36524 bytes Sources of the siteswap to jongl converter S22J beta 15.

All mentioned trademarks belong to their respective owners. The size of the logos has nothing to do with our personal rating of the operating systems. They are just grabbed.

Check out the benchmarks to see how "fast" Jongl runs.
last update 13-jul-08