Command: graphics

  GRAPHICS allows the Prt-Sc (Print Screen) key to print graphics screens.
  GRAPHICS runs in MS GRAPHICS compatibility mode.


  GRAPHICS type [options]


  /B             Enable processing of CGA background color 0 palette
  /I             Print black as white and white as black (useful if lots
                 of dark areas on screen, to save ink / toner: will print
                 black where screen is white etc.).
  /LCD           ignored (not yet supported).
  /LOW           Do not load high (no MS option)
  /PRINTBOX:LCD  ignored (not yet supported).
  /PRINTBOX:STD  ignored (not yet supported).
                 (try using /LCD to get an explanation displayed).
                 These will allow you to set a screen width-to-height 
                 ratio other than 4:3, which is currently always assumed.
  /R             Print black as black and white as white.
  Supported printer types:
  You can use the following for type:
    HP PCL compatible: 
      HPDEFAULT          (HP PCL compatible)
      DESKJET            (HP PCL compatible)
      RUGGEDWRITER       (HP PCL compatible)
      RUGGEDWRITERWIDE   (HP PCL compatible)
      THINKJET           (HP PCL compatible)
    EPSON compatible:
      EPSON              Many impact/ribbon printers work with "EPSON"
    POSTSCRIPT compatible:
      LASERJET           (POSTSCRIPT compatible)
      LASERJET II        (POSTSCRIPT compatible)
      QUIETJET           (POSTSCRIPT compatible)
      QUIETJETPLU        (POSTSCRIPT compatible)
    Some of these are equivelent, such as POSTSCRIPT and PS.
  Unsupported types:
    IBM PC color ribbon printer (color1, color4, color8)
    IBM convertible thermal printer (thermal)
    IBM graphics printer (graphics[wide])
    IBM proprinter 
    IBM quietwriter


  HP (GRAPH-HP - PCL) allows the following extra options:
    /1  Use LPT1 (default)
    /2  Use LPT2
    /3  Use LPT3
    /C  For 300 dpi instead of 600 dpi
    /E  Economy mode
    /R  For random instead of ordered dither
    /?  Shows the help.
  PS (GRAPH-PS - Postscript) allows the following extra options:
    /1  Use LPT1 (default)
    /2  Use LPT2
    /3  Use LPT3
    /C  Compatibility mode (HP Laserjet)
    /E  Economy mode (only 50 % density)
    /?  Shows the help.
  PIN (GRAPHPIN - EPSON) allows the following extra options:
    /1  Use LPT1 (default)
    /2  Use LPT2
    /3  Use LPT3
    /9  9-pin mode (120x72, with /C 60x72)
    /C  Compatibility mode (120x60dpi)
    /E  Economy mode (only 50% density)
    /R  Use random dither, not ordered one
    /X  Send print data for whole lines instead of in blocks
    /?  Shows the help.
  After loading the driver you can print screenshots using 
  'shift - PrintScreen' even in graphic modes.


  graphics HPDEFAULT /low /I /E /1

See also:


  Copyright © 2003 Eric Auer, updated 2008 by W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.