Command: sort

  SORT sorts a file or input for displaying.
  The file for input is not modified.


  sort [/R] [/N] [/+num] [/A] [/?] [drive][path]filename
  command | sort [/R] [/N] [/A] [/+num] [/?]
       drive     The drive letter, e.g. C:
       path      The directory, e.g. \example\
       filename  The driver (file) to load, e.g. unordered.txt


  /R     Sort in reverse order (Z - A).
  /A     Sort by ASCII, ignore COUNTRY.
  /N     Enables NLS / CODEPAGE / COUNTRY based SORT ORDER.
  /+num  Begin sorting at column num in each line of text. Default=1.
  /?     Shows the help.


  SORT does not change the input file, only the output.
  SORT supports NLS (national language support).


  Displays the current directory in alphabetical order:
    dir | sort  
  Sorts a file and writes it to another file:
    sort unordered.txt > ordered.txt  
    sort           -ENTER-   (alternativ: sort /+2)
    this           -ENTER-
    is             -ENTER-
    a              -ENTER-
    short          -ENTER-
    sentence       -ENTER-
  (CTRL-Z)  (exits the command and executes it)
    gives out:                sorted by second letter per line:            
    a                         a
    is                        sentence 
    sentence                  this
    short                     short
    this                      is

See also:


  Copyright © 1998 Jim Hall, updated 2007 by W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.