Networking FreeDOS - CIFS (a.k.a. NetBEUI)

  The Common Internet File System (CIFS) is a method for two or more
  computers to share data on a Network. It is derived from the Server
  Message Block (SMB) protocol, which follows from NetBIOS.
  NetBIOS was originally an extension to the API of the PC BIOS. It has
  been extended for more usage and multiple operating systems by Micro-
  soft and others. Microsoft once provided a client for DOS, but this has
  reappeared and disappeared since then. Jacco de Leeuw provides details
  on Networking software for DOS, where to find it and how to install it.
  Unfortunately, so far, a Samba open source client for DOS has not been
  developed and while the MS client works, it is not very compatible with
  other CIFS systems. See references below for more details.

External Links

    * Implementing CIFS - The Common Internet FileSystem (Christopher
      R Hertel, see:
    * Networking software for DOS (Jacco de Leeuw, see:
    * Just what is SMB? (Richard Sharpe, see:
    * NetBIOS, NetBEUI, NBF, SMB, CIFS document page (Timothy Evans,

  Copyright © 2007 Ulrich Hansen, Mainz (Germany), modified 2010
  by W.Spiegl.
  For more information see here.

  Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
  under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
  any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled
  "GNU Free Documentation License"