Welcome to the FreeDOS Help (hhstndrd 1.1.0 en)

Click here to read FreeDOS for Newbies01 or Newbies02.

For information on using Help click on Help on Help.
with the mouse. For basic information about FreeDOS click here.
With the following commands you get help while using FreeDOS:

  apropos        help           whatis

These are the config.sys / fdconfig.sys commands:

  ;(semicolon)   !(exclamation) ?(question)    F5 button      F8 button
  break          buffers        buffershigh    country        device
  devicehigh     dos            dosdata        echo           eecho
  fcbs           files          fileshigh      idlehalt       install
  installhigh    keybuf         lastdrive      lastdrivehigh  menu
  menucolor      menudefault    numlock        rem            screen
  set            shell          shellhigh      stacks         stackshigh
  switchar       switches       version

These are typical batch file commands (e.g. autoexec.bat / fdauto.bat):

  @(at)          alias          beep           break          call
  choice         cls            echo           errorlevel     for
  goto           if             lh             loadhigh       path
  pause          prompt         rem            set            shift

These commands are internal to command.com and need no other file

in order to work:

  @(at)          ?(question)    alias          beep           break
  call           cd             cdd            chcp           chdir
  cls            copy           ctty           date           del
  dir            dirs          (doskey)        echo           environment
  erase          exit           for            goto           history
  if             lfnfor         lh             loadfix        loadhigh
  md             memory         mkdir          path           pause
  popd           prompt         pushd          rd             rem
  ren            rename         rmdir          set            shift
  time           truename       type           ver            verify
  vol            which
  Command.COM / FreeCOM appendix

These apps, external commands and drivers require an

existing file in order to work:

  amb            ambhelp        ambpack        append         apropos
  assign         attrib         cc             callver        cdrcache.sys
  chkdsk         choice         command.com    comp           country.sys
  cpidos         ctmouse        debug          defrag         deltree
  devload        diskcomp       diskcopy       display        dosfsck
  doslfn         dosshell       edit           edlin          exe2bin
  fasthelp       fc             fdapm          fdhelp         fdimples
  fdinst         fdisk          fdnpkg         fdshell        fdshield
 (fdxms.sys)    (fdxms286.sys)  find           format         freecom
  fsuite04      (gcdrom.sys)   (graftabl)      graphics       himemsx
  himemx         hiram          html-help      imgedit        jemm386
  jemmex        (join)          kernel.sys     keyb           kpdos
  label          lbacache       lptdrv         mem            mirror
  mkeyb          mode           more           move           mscdex
  nansi          nlsfunc        pdtree         pgme           print
  rdisk          rdiskon        recover        replace       (scandisk)
 (setver)        share          shsucdx        shsufdrv       shsurdrv
  sort           spool          srdisk        (subst)         swsubst
  sys            tdsk           tickle         tree           udvd2.sys
  uhdd.sys       uide.sys       undelete       unformat       whatis
  xcopy          xkeyb          xmgr.sys

The following Utilities, Apps, Archivers, Editors, Unix-like tools etc

which require an existing file in order to work are related to FreeDOS

but not a part of the basic distribution:

  7zdec          aefdisk        ansimat        arj            b64
  blocek         bmp2png        bootfix        boundtst       bsum
  bzip2          cabext         cal            cdrom2ui       clamav
  compute        cpied          daa2iso        dn             dog
  dosutil        drives         du             dz             edict
  fdbanner       fdrc           finddisk       flashrom       foxcalc
  foxtype        freemacs       GNU bc         GNU chcp       GNU grep
  GNU sed        gzip           head           hexcomp        hidsupt1
  hip            inklevel       irq            less           lfndos
  listpci        listvesa       localcfg       localize       locate
  lpq1           lzip           lzma           lzop           md5sum
  memteste       minibox        mplayer        nro            ntfs
  ospedit        ospimg         p7zip          password       pbox
  pcisleep       pg (pager)     pkginfo        pkgmaker       ps2mtest
  ranishpm       raread         rawrite3       rcal           runtime
  scantest       search         setlock        sleep          slicer
  slowdown       sqlite         stamp          syslnx         tar
  tee            testdisk       thrust         touch          tp7/p5fix
  trch           uni2asci       unrtf          unzip          uptime
  uptimec        usbdevic       usbdos         usbdrive       usbhosts
  usbhub         usbjstik       usbkeyb        usbmouse       usbprint
  usbsupt1       usbuhci        usbuhcil       utf8tocp       v8power
  vendorid       vmsmount       wcd            wde            whichfat
  whiptail       xdel           xfdisk         xgrep          zdir
  zerofill       zip            zoo

The following articles describe Networking under FreeDOS:

  Quick Networking HowTo
  History of DOS networking
  DOS networking today:
    * Novell Netware  * MS Client  * TCP/IP applications  * Others
  Installation of packet drivers or other compatbile drivers:
    * Packet drivers installation  * ODI driver installation
    * NDIS driver installation
  Loading the TCP/IP Kernel (Stack):
    * WatTCP  * NTCPDRV  * mTCP  * Other TCP/IP Kernels


  The display code page information pack, cpidos.
  The keyboard layout pack, kpdos.

  The autoexec.bat/fdauto.bat file.
  The config.sys/fdconfig.sys file.

  The DOS memory management.

  How to use htmlhelp and amb.
  Understanding the Help Topic "Syntax".
  Other ways of getting help.

  A guide to writing for HTML Help.
  A guide to the tags supported by HTML Help.
  The TO-DO list for the HTML documentation.
  A history of the HTML documentation

  The inventor's greeting
  About FreeDOS.

Principal author: Robert Platt.
Last modified in 2023 by W. Spiegl.

Copyright © 2003-04 Robert Platt, updated 2011 and 2023 by W. Spiegl.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the "GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1"
or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
(respecting that any documents included but covered under any other
license shall be treated seperately and the terms of such documents
shall neither alter nor be altered by the terms of this document);
with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover
A copy of the license is included in the section entitled:
  "GNU FDL version 1.1"
  "GNU FDL version 1.2"
Here some links to other licenses which are often used in FreeDOS:
  "GNU GPL version 2"
  "GNU GPL version 3"

FreeDOS is a trademark of Jim Hall.