Jongl F.A.Q.

Before you check any of these topics: Did you install the newest version?

What shall I do with ZIP-files like

Unzip it. Use winzip or a similar unzipping program.

How Can I Enter SiteSwap Patterns?

Use the second register tab in the GUI.

How Can I Enter SiteSwap Passing Patterns?

Since Jongl is being developed since 1992, I used a type of notation I found at that time: notation.doc from Jack Boyce from 12/91. Here is his way of writing passing patterns:

Imagine two people juggling, each person  asynchronously,  but  synchronized
with  respect  to each other (person 1 throws with his/her right hand at the
same time person 2 does). This is the  situation  in  6  club  passing,  for
example.  Now  our  notation has to tell BOTH people what to do, which might
sound complicated but actually isn't too bad. Divide a "throw" into 2 parts,
the throwing instructions for each person. A self-throw is written just as a
number, exactly as we did for site swap notation (a 2 is a hold, a  3  is  a
toss  to  the  other  hand,  etc.).  Attach a 'p' to a number to represent a
passed throw. To figure out which of your partner's hands to  pass  to,  use
this rule: If without the 'p' the throw would go to your left hand, throw at
your partner's left, and so on.

Some example patterns should help clarify this:

        <3p|3p><3|3>      = ordinary  6  object  passing.  Notice  how   the
                            instructions for each person are  sectioned  off
                            Each person  starts t hrowing  with  his  right.
        <3p|3p>           = "ultimate" passing,  where all throws are passes
        <3|3>             = two people doing 3 ball cascades (boring)
        <4p|3><2|3p>      = a  left-handed  double,  if  done  once from the
                            middle of a "cascade" (in this case <3p|3p><3|3>
                            qualifies).  This is a ground state trick, so no
                            starting sequence is needed.
                          = a multiplexed pattern,  the  left-handed  single
                            (a good way to fake out your  partner).  Do  the
                            first hold with your right hand, since  that  is
                            when your partner is doing a '3p'.
                            The '2p' is from your left to his left, and then
                            you resume.
When the jugglers are called A and B and the throws are enumerated, the notation is basically the following:

<A left 1 | B left 1 > <A right 1 | B right 1 > <A left 2 | B left 2 > ...

You see, simultaneous throws are in the same <bracket> divided by a pipe (|). To make things easier to type, Jongl doesn't require the brackets and the pipe. In fact, s22j gets confused when you use them.

jongl 335p5p 8 clubs: triple passes (R) and single selfs (L)
jongl 333p5p 7 clubs: juggler A passes singles from right and B passes triples (R)
jongl 34,5p334,5p3 7 club 3 count with slow doubles
The last example requires some explanation:
We want to throw a 3-count, so what each person does, is: 3 3 4,5p. (The 4,5p is required to get a nonfractional number of clubs.) And we know that the passes take place alternately. This gives us:

3    3 4,5p      (juggler A)
 4,5p 3    3     (juggler B)
When we write this in one line, we get the input 34,5p334,5p3.
(Note that you must type 4,5p and NOT 4.5p. This is a limitation of the s22j-parser.)

When you got a different notation, e.g. <A left 1   A right 1   A left 2   A right 2 ... | B left 1   B right 1   B left 2   B right 2 ... > then you "simply" have to rearrange the throws.

The Object Selector Doesn't Work

It does. Only the usage is odd. To select a new object left-click on the red-and-white ball in the JonglRemoteControl window (or press 'C', or select it from the pop-up-menu). Stay with the mouse in the JRC window and use the left mouse button in the green steering field to move the objects up and down. Once you got the new object in the yellow box, press the right mouse button in the green steering field or left-click the red-and-white ball. To quit from the object selection without changing the current object press 'C'.
Starting with V9.0, you may also press the right mouse button. The pop up menu reveals an option "select this object".

Jongl Doesn't Work On My Windows ® System

Up to now, it does work on any tested Windows system. Be sure to use the correct opengl32.dll and glu32.dll because these 2 dll's are shipped with NT. If you put these 2 dll's from the Jongl distribution in the Jongl directory they will be found first and it won't work when these are the wrong ones. Before you copy them be sure that you don't have them on your computer.
Normally you will only need glut32.dll.
Also, be sure to use the dlls from Microsoft ® (e.g. opengl32.dll) and not those from SGI ® (e.g. opengl.dll).

How Do I Install The Screensaver For Windows ®?

The following procedure has been tested on Windows 98, you might have to make some changes when installing on 95 or NT.
You need something to unzip the archive, e.g. WinZip. Unzip it to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM. Open this directory with the Explorer, right click JonglSaver.scr and select Install. After making your favourite adjustments, click OK.
When you are prompted that a GLUT32.DLL is missing - download it from here.

Jongl complains it couldnīt find a directory called L

Therefore Jongl refuses to run. Jongl needs *all* the directories there are in the archive. If your unzipper doesnīt create directories but only files then Jongl wonīt run.

Jongl complains it couldnīt find jongl.prefs

But there is a file called jongl.pre. This is caused by an unzipper using DOS 8.3 file names. This wonīt work. You have to use an unzipper which doesnīt cut file names.

Even More Questions?

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last update 15-feb-03