Relevant Publications
    • Wulf Schievenhövels Human Ethology Publications
    • Voland, Eckart, Chasiotis Athanasios & Schiefenhövel, Wulf (Eds. 2005)
    • Grandmotherhood. The Evolutionary Significance of the Second Half of Female Life. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick and London
    • Voland, Eckart, Chasiotis Athanasios & Schiefenhövel, Wulf (2005) Grandmotherhood. A Short Overview of the Three Fields of Research on the Evolutionary Significance of Postgenerative Female Life. In: Voland, Eckart, Chasiotis Athanasios & Schiefenhövel, Wulf (Eds. 2005)
    • Grandmotherhood. The Evolutionary Significance of the Second Half of Female Life. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick and London :1-17
    • Schiefenhövel, Wulf & Grabolle, Andreas (2005) The Role of Maternal Grandmothers in Trobriand Adoptions. In Voland, Eckart, Chasiotis Athanasios & Schiefenhövel, Wulf (Eds. 2005)
    • Grandmotherhood. The Evolutionary Significance of the Second Half of Female Life. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick and London : 177-193
    • (2005) Konrad Lorenz. Cercatorul si omul. In: Strungaru, Carmen & Schubert, Rainer (Eds.) Ce putem afla despre om de la gaste? 100 de ani de la nastere lui Konrad Lorenz. Polirom (Colectie "Treia Europa"), Bucuresti: 15-35
    • (2005) Epistemologia evolutionista a lui Konrad Lorenz si studii referitoare la cunoastere in Noua Guinee. In: Strungaru, Carmen & Schubert, Rainer (Eds.) Ce putem afla despre om de la gaste? 100 de ani de la nastere lui Konrad Lorenz. Polirom (Colectie "Treia Europa"), Bucuresti: 93-108
    • (2006) Die Vertikale als optimale Gebärhaltung. Liselotte Kuntner zum 70. Geburtstag. curare 28 (2005) 1: 67-74
    • Detlev Ploog 1920 - 2005. Human Ethology Bulletin, 21,2, June 2006:22-24
    • Lum, J. Koji, Jorde, Lynn B. & Schiefenhövel, Wulf (2002) Affinities among Melanesians, Micronesians and Polynesians: A Neutral, Biparental Genetic Perspective. Human Biology 4,3: 413-430
    • Kayser, M., Brauer, S., Cordaux, R., Casto, A., Lao, O., Zhivotovsky, L.A., Moyse-Faurie, C., Rutledge, R.B.., Schiefenhövel, W., Gil, D., Lin, A.A., Underhill, P.A.. Oefner P.J., Trent, R.J. & Stoneking, M. (2006) Melanesian and Asian Origins of Polynesians: mtDNA and Y Chromosome Gradients Across the Pacific. Molecular Biology and Evolution 23 (11): 2234-2244
    • (2007, 2. Auflage 2012) Geistige und moralische Enphronesis in Hochland-Neuguinea  -  Beispiele aus der Kultur der Eipo. In: Förstl, H. (Hrsg.) Theory of Mind. Neurobiologie und Psychologie sozialen Verhaltens. Springer Medizin Verlag, Heidelberg: 21-34 (23- 37)
    • (2007) "Bedding-in" als Prophylaxe gegen Baby-Blues? Evolutionsmedizinische und kulturenvergleichende Aspekte. In: Brisch, K H. & Hellbrügge, Th. (Hrsgg.) Die Anfänge der Eltern-Kind-Bindung. Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Psychotherapie. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart: 100-114
    • Schiefenhövel, W. & Strungaru, C. (2007) Petits mais vigoureus. Nourriture, taille, santé et performance d'un peuple montagnard de Nouvelle Guinée. Adaptations biologiques et culturelles. In: Boesch, G. & Hubert, A. (Eds.) L'alimentaion et la montagne. Collection anthropologie des populations alpines. Editions des Hautes-Alpes: 271-279
    • (2007) Geburt und Tod  -  Religiöse Sinnstrukturen und Übergangsriten in melanesischen Kulturen. Humanethologische Perspektiven. In: Nieder, Ludwig & Schneider, Werner (Hrsg.) Die Grenzen des menschlichen Lebens. Lebensbeginn und Lebensende aus sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht. LIT, Hamburg: 59-84
    • (2008) The Uniqueness of Human Birth and the Newborn (also in Japanese translation). In: Omoto, K. (Ed.) The Project of Human Life Science: „The Synthetic Study on the Uniqueness of Human Life History“. Report on International Colloquium (2006). Sokendai, The Graduate University of Advanced Studies, Sokendai, Hayama, Japan: 9-21; 101-112
    • Kayser, M., Choi, Y., van Oven, M., Mona, S., Brauer, S., Trent, R. J., Suarkia, D., Schiefenhövel, W. & Stoneking, M. (2008) The Impact of the Austronesian Expansion: Evidence from mtDNA and Y Chromosome Diversity in the Admiralty Islands of Melanesia. Molecular Biology and Evolution 25,7: 1362-1374    --   also as: Molecular Biology and Evolution 2008; doi: 10.1093/molbev/msn078
    • Schiefenhövel, W. & Blum, P. (2007) Insects: Forgotten and Rediscovered as Food. Entomophagy among the Eipo, Highlands of West-New Guinea, and in other Traditional Societies. In: MacClancy, J., Henry, J. & Macbeth, H. (Eds.) Consuming the Inedible. Neglected Dimensions of Food Choice. Berghahn Books, New Yok, Oxford: 163-176
    • Macbeth, H., Schiefenhövel, W. & Collinson, P. (2007) Cannibalism. No Myth, But Why so Rare? In: MacClancy, J., Henry, J. & Macbeth, H. (Eds.) Consuming the Inedible. Neglected Dimensions of Food Choice. Berghahn Books, New York, Oxford: 189-203
    • Lehmann, Ch., Welker, L. & Schiefenhövel, W. (2008) Der Singstreit in humanethologischer Perspektive. Musicae Scientiae XII, 1: 87 – 108
    • Complojer, M., Schweigkofer, H., Schwitzer, J., Scherer, A., Schwitzer, G. O. & Schiefenhövel, W. (2009) Die Bedingungsvariablen der postpartalen Dysphorie. Neuropsychiatrie 23,1: 1-7 (2009) Romantic love. A human universal and possible honest signal. human_ontogenetics 3, 2 (July 2009), open acces journal, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim: 39 – 50
    • Kohl, S., Kainer, F. & Schiefenhövel, W. (2009) Übelkeit und Erbrechen als evolutionäre Mechanismen der vielschichtigen Anpassung an die Schwangerschaft. Eine kulturenvergleichende Untersuchung an 565 Probandinnen. Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie 213: 186-193
    • Voland, E. & Schiefenhövel, W. (Eds., 2009) The Biological Evolution of Religious Mind and Behavior. Springer, The Frontiers Collection. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York
    • Voland, E. & Schiefenhövel, W. (2009) Preface. In: Voland, E. & Schiefenhövel, W. (Eds.)  The Biological Evolution of Religious Mind and Behavior. Springer, The Frontiers Collection. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: v–vi
    • Schiefenhövel, W. & Voland, E. (2009) Introduction. In: Voland, E. & Schiefenhövel, W. (Eds.)  The Biological Evolution of Religious Mind and Behavior. Springer, The Frontiers Collection. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: 1-7
    • (2009) Explaining the Inexplicable: Traditional and Syncretistic Religiosity in Melanesia. In: Voland, E. & Schiefenhövel, W. (Eds.)  The Biological Evolution of Religious Mind and Behavior. Springer, The Frontiers Collection. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: 143-164
    • (2009) Biosociocultural Aspects of Nutrition. In: Medina, F.X., Avila, R. & de Garine. I. (Eds.) Food, Imagineries and Cultural Frontiers. Essayas in Honour of Helen Macbeth. Colección Estudios del Hombre. Seria Antropologia de la Alimentation. Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico: 17-36
    •   Lehmann, C., Welker, L. und Schiefenhövel, W. (2009) Towards an Ethology of  Song: A   Categorization of Musical Behavior. Musicae Scientiae Special Issue  2009-2010: 321-338 (2010) Belief in Melanesia. In: Frey, U. J., Störmer, Ch. & Willführ, K. P. (Eds.) Homo    Novus  -  A Human Without Illusions. Springer, The Frontier Collection, Berlin, Heidelberg:   213-227
    • (2011) Seiritekina shussan to jinrui: doitsu no genba kara (("Physiological Birth and    Humankind: Message from Germany"). In: Matsuoka, Etsuko & Kohama, Masako (Eds.) Sekai   no Shussann: Girei kara Sentan Iryo made (Birth of the World: From Rituals to Frontline   Medicine). Bensei Publishing Company, Tokyo: 118 – 13
    • Schiefenhövel, W. & Macbeth, H. (Eds., 2011) Liquid Bread. Beer and Brewing in    Crosscultural Perspective. Berghahn, New York, Oxford
    • Schiefenhövel, W. & Macbeth, H. (2011) Introduction. In: Schiefenhövel, W. & Macbeth, H.   (Eds., 2011) Liquid Bread. Beer and Brewing in Crosscultural Perspective. Berghahn, New   York, Oxford: 1 - 1
    • (2011) Foreword. In: Malotki, E. The Oraibi Salt Journey to the Grand Canyon. An    Ethnographic Account. Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung, Berlin: 7 – 9
    • Schaafsma, S., Geuze, R.H., Riedstra, B., Schiefenhövel, W., Bouma, A. & Groothuis, T.G.G.   (2011) Handedness in a nonindustrial society challenges the fighting hypothesis as an    evolutionary explanation for left-handers. Evolution  and Human Behavior 33: 94-99
    • (2011) Protein Shortage in Highland New Guinea. Adaptations before and after    Cultural Change. Abstract. Anthropologischer Anzeiger/Journal of Biological and Clinical   Anthropology 68,4:5 19-20
    • Geuze RH, Schaafsma SM, Lust JM, Bouma A, Schiefenh￶vel W, Groothuis TG (2012) Plasticity of lateralization: Schooling predicts hand preference but not hand skill asymmetry in   a non-industrial society. Neuropsychologia 50: 612 – 620
    • Forster, J., Schiefenhövel, W.  & Sütterlin, Ch. (Hrsg.; 2012) Im Spiegel der Anderen.    Forschungen zum gemeinsamen Erbe der Menschheit. Stadtmuseum Ingolstadt
    • (2012) Wolfgang Pfeifer in memoriam (1919 – 2011). Erinnerungen an die Erlanger Zeit.   curare 35, 1+2: 142 – 145
    • McGrew, W. C., Marchant, L. F. & Schiefenhövel, W. (Eds., (2013) The Evolution of Human   Handedness. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1288
    • (2013) Biased semantics for right and left in 50 Indo-European and non-Indo-European    languages. In: McGrew, W. C., Marchant, L. F. & Schiefenhövel, W. (Eds., (2013) The    Evolution of Human Handedness. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1288: 135-  152
    • (2013) From Ethology to Human Ethology. Cognitive Patterns in the Culture of the Eipo,   Highlands of West-New Guinea. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 111, 380: 255 – 269
    • Thiering, M. & Schiefenhövel, W. (2013) Spatial Concepts in Non-Literate Societies:    Language and Practice in Eipo and Dene Chipewyan. TOPOI  -  Towards a     Historical Epistemology of Space. Preprint 447. Max-Planck-Institut für     Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin
    • (2013) Biodiversity through Domestication. Examples from New Guinea. Revue    d’ethnoécologie (En ligne), 3, (Alimentation et biodiversité): 2-19
    • (2013) bwarita bwena. The Sea in the Life of the Trobrianders, Solomon Sea, Milne Bay   Province, Papua New Guinea. In: Matalas, A. & Xirotiris, N. (Eds.) Fish and Seafood. 28th   ICAF Proceedings. Mystis Editions, Hreaklion, Greece: 177 – 190
    • van Owen, M., Brauer, S., Choi, Y., Ensing, J., Schiefenhövel, W, Stoneking, M., & Kayser,   M. (2014) Human genetics of the Kula Ring: Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA variation   in the Massim of Papua New Guinea. European Journal of Human Genetics. Advance online   publication, 12 March
    • The Lust for Life: Bavarian Beer Gardens (2012) Alimenta Populorum, 3, 2010-2012: 2-5
    • Sütterlin, C., Schiefenhövel, W., Lehmann, C. , Forster, J. & Apfelauer, G. (Eds.; 2014)  Art as Behaviour. An Ethological Approach to Visual and Verbal Art, Music and Architecture.Hanse Studies Vol. 10. Bis-Verlag, University Oldenburg
    • (2014) The Quest for Beauty and Powerful Expression. Examples from New Guinean Poetry. In: Sütterlin, C., Schiefenhövel, W., Lehmann, C. , Forster, J. & Apfelauer, G. (Eds.; 2014)  Art as Behaviour. An Ethological Approach to Visual and Verbal Art, Music and Architecture. Hanse Studies Vol. 10. Bis-Verlag, University Oldenburg : 407-435
    • Schiefenhövel, W., Schrot, H. & Kröning, A. (2014) Trennung, Tod und Trauer in den ersten   Lebensjahren: Eine humanethologische Betrachtung. In: Kißgen, R. & Heinen, N. (Hrsg.)   Trennung. Tod und Trauer in den ersten Lebensjahren. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart: 17- 35
    • Sütterlin, C., Schiefenhövel, W., Lehmann, C. , Forster, J. & Apfelauer, G. (2014)  Art as Behaviour. An Ethological Approach to Visual and Verbal Art, Music and Architecture. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 71/1-2: 3-13
    • Schiefenhövel, W. (2014) Human Ethological Perspectives on Prehistoric Adaptation and   Dispersal in the Central Highlands of New Guinea. In: Sanz, N. (Ed.) Human Origin Sites and   the World Heritage Convention in Asia. World Heritage Papers 39. UNESCO, Paris &    Ciudad de Mexico: 235-254
    • (2014) Kuper, A., Schiefenhövel, W. & Schrenk, F. Humanethologisches Filmarchiv bei    Senckenberg. Senckenberg natur-forschung-museum 144 (7/8): 246 – 249
    • (2014) On the human ethology of food sharing. Anthropological Review 77, 3: 356-370
    • (2015) Quo vadis, Humanethologie? Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 68, 4 : 179-193