What is Jongl?

Jongl is a juggling simulation program.

What it looks like

This is a screenshot of Jongl V14.0.


User interface

User control takes place directly in the 3D window. You may move, zoom or rotate. There is a pop-up-menu using the right mouse button and lots of keyboard shortcuts.

GUI (28K) Tcl-powered (1K)

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Who did it?

Werner Riebesel

email: w e r n e r   a t     j o n g l    d o t    d e.

Werner (8 K)

Due to tendinitis I had to quit juggling some years ago.

      Martin Hoffmann: The complete 3D rendering routines for Amiga and most of them for old objects in OpenGL, the Siteswap to Jongl converter s22j and the largest part of the raytracing output.
Ludwig Klam: Some additional programs and all of the panoramas.

Other contributors:

David Byers: Lots of patterns, the V7.0 SunOS version and many ideas for improvements and things to do.
Radieschen and Eva: Many funny patterns.
Stéphane Picq: The idea of translating Jongl and most of the French translation.
Johannes Waldmann: The V6 SunOS version.
Pelle Nordqvist: The IRIX version 6.3.
Derek Bosch: The IRIX version 6.5 and the LinuxPPC port.
Federico Barbagallo: The main part of the spanish translation.
Dani: The complete translation to catalá and the rest of the spanish translation.
Xavier Verne: The rest of the french translation.
Jens Prilop: The idea for glowball mode and some patterns.

When did this homepage change?

Major changes to this homepage and releases of new versions and portations will be announced in the newsgroup rec.juggling.
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